Heartbreak isa common metaphor for the
intense emotional pain,grief or
disappointment one feels after the end of a
relationship both romantic and otherwise.
Before you start crying and remembering how
many men and women broke your heart look
on the brighter side, what if God allowed
them to leave your life so that you can find
the right person that is truly meant for you.
Healing a broken heart might take time but it
is not impossible.
Am going to give you some tips on how to
handle that heartbreak and speed your
The best
thing you can do for yourself is to understand
and accept that you have lost that person and
he or she is no longer a part of your life. And
it’s okay for you to cry,feel sad,hurt and
reflect on what has happened,please as much
as possible not to cry in public, just know that
heartbreak can’t go away immediately it
takes time
Don’t be quick to
believe that you are worthless and non one
can love after a heartbreak. Think positively
and don’t even think of killing your self, he/
she is not worth it.
I know that at this point
in your life,you would love to be alone and cry
everytime but that won’t help matters. Talk
to someone you can trust like your best
friend,pastor,shrink or even your mom.
Release all your built up emotion cry if
possible. Being blood will only make you keep
remembering your heartbreak and the pains.
Instead of sitting indoors and crying find out
what you can do to release the pain like
writing,yoga, even watching a standup
comedy. Go out as often as possible;you can’t
tell me, you want to get over a heartbreak
and you lock your self indoors watching
romantic movies and listening to love songs.
This things won’t help you to recover,take a
walk very early in the morning, take your self
on a date, buy things you love.
please don’t forget
to eat and take care of yourself so as to avoid
getting sick. Avoid junk food, everyone knows
that heartbreak can lead to depression you
don’t wanna add weight do you?. Bath
regularly and dress your best. Your ex won’t
come back to you because he/she sees how
unhappy you are. But when he/she sees you
dressing nicely and smiling he/she feels bad
for ever hurting. If you are always
complaining and talking about your ex and
dressing awful you will defintely miss MR/
MRS RIGHT. Don’t get frustrated with
yourself. Just believe your ex is not worth it,
in the future you will be grateful your ex left
you. There are days when you just wanna
give up on life, please don’t. You are still very
important to your family,friends and most
especially God.
I know that the hardest part is the
courage to move on after a heart break. Don’t
play the ex-games. Delete your ex’s phone
number don’t save it with “don’t call her/him”
or don’t ever pick” As far as his/her number is
still on your phone you will be tempted to
call. Burn pictures and things that reminds
you of your ex. Stop contact with your ex.
Yeah i know this will be challenging if the
both of you work in the same place or attend
the same school, church or social events or
live on the same street. Keep your distance
don’t be tempted to say ” hey” but if it’s
required due to work or school. Speak to your
ex when it’s important. ignore him/her
completely. Stop your friends from reporting
your ex’s every move this will hinder your
quick recovery. Avoid sad sappy love songs
and as well as romantic movies or books.
Listen to danceable music not slow love
songs. You can also move on by going out of
your way to help others, this can bring
peace,joy,and fulfilment. Simple exercise like
jogging, walking,going up and down the stair
case and especially yoga can be helpful to
release stress and all the pent up emotions.
You can also visit the gym as well if possible.
Now wish your ex well you don’t have to do it
face to face just say it in your head everytime
especially when you see him/her with another
person. Let go of the anger and learn to
forgive your ex for hurting you, this will make
you feel much better.
Don’t start with the “we can just be friends” if
you are not really over your ex, this can lead
to another heartbreak so be careful. Open up
yourself to meeting someone else don’t
conclude about love and relationship. Don’t
rebound, don’t start a relationship to replace
your ex, it doesn’t work you will only end up
hurting the other person. Instead take your
Just know that many
people have gone through this and
survived.Turn to God, He alone has the power
to heal your broken heart God loves you and
so does your family. And you are not alone.
Nancydesires Blog

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